Earn Money Online From Your Mobile App- Three Simple Methods

Do you know from mobile apps so many people earn money online? Since smartphones reached our hands, our way of daily living changed dramatically.

Now due to smartphones and internet connection, we can buy our food, do shopping, search for anything, pay our bills, book flight tickets everything is easily possible with just a few clicks. If we look towards our phones apart from calling, which things make us possible to perform all the actions so easily? That’s the mobile apps. On our smartphones, if we see for performing various tasks we have different apps. For shopping, we have Amazon, Flipkart. For ordering food online we have Zomato, Swiggy, Foodpanda. With these people do business, they sell anything or offer any service. But do you know you can earn money online by developing your own mobile app?

In fact, there are lots of free apps which make money in huge amount.

Opportunity to earn money online from mobile apps:

According to global market research previously the global mobile app revenue was of 75billion dollars which is currently 100 billion dollars. The investment in mobile apps is also increasing day by day as the lion share of internet users is coming with smartphones. So, the future of making money with your mobile apps full of opportunities. So, if you are interested in this regard you follow this post because we will share some excellent ways by which you can easily make money from your apps.

Types of mobile apps that make money:

If you want to earn money online from your apps, there are two types of mobile apps available, one is a business mobile application, and the second one is free mobile apps.

Business mobile apps provide B2B or B2C services. Similar to the websites, they operate their business through mobile applications.  Their earnings come from sales and services.

But if you compare them with the free mobile apps, the number of them are infractions. If you do not have any business, you can still create your mobile app and make money, like many people are doing. On Google Play Store, you will find lots of free mobile applications that neither provide any service nor sell any product. But you will be amazed to know that they make a good income from there.

There are two types of mobile apps available, one is a business mobile application, and the second one is free mobile apps.

Business mobile apps provide B2B or B2Cservices. Similar to the websites, they operate their business through mobile applications. Their earnings come from sales and services.

But if you compare them with the free mobile apps, the number of them are infractions. If you do not have any business, you can still create your mobile app and earn money online, like many people are doing. On Google Play Store, you will find lots of free mobile applications that neither provide any service nor sell any product. But you will be amazed to know that they make a good income from there.

Well, one thing we want to clear that we are not going to give you information on money earning apps. You may think that we will tell you about some mobile apps where you will go and perform several tasks and the app owner will pay you for that. If you are looking for that type of apps then this is not the right place. We will give presents to you with some excellent ways by which you can make money from your own apps.
So, let’s get started.

Monetize your mobile app with Google AdMob:

People who have their website or blog surely know that Google has a product for monetizing websites. That is Google AdSense. Most bloggers use this as their primary earning source from their blog. Google has a similar type of product, a similar type of functionality for app owners. That is called Google AdMob. The process is very simple. Firstly you need to develop a mobile application.

As per your interest and capabilities, you can create any type of apps. If you need some idea, you can visit the Google Play Store. There is the largest number of mobile apps available. You can hardly find any app category which is untouched or picked up by someone. If you see that already someone has created the app into your niche, don’t think you cannot be successful.

After developing your app, you have to sign up with Google AdMob. The process is very easy. Then you have to make Adspace to your application. Admin will show relevant ads to your app. As per the clicks, your earning will be calculated. Like AdSense, you can manage ads to your application. That’s how many app owners earn money online by their applications.

Amazon affiliate marketing:

If you want to earn from apps, the affiliate link is the second most used element to monetize your mobile app. Many people earn money from Amazon affiliate marketing. You can read: Know About Amazon Affiliate Marketing To Earn Money Online, to know exactly how people leverage this. It is quite similar to Google AdSense. Here you monetize your app through affiliate links. When it comes to affiliate marketing, Amazon is top. It has so many products to promote which makes it useful for everyone.

Your niche would be on any topic but you can promote Amazon affiliate links there. The whole process from joining Amazone Associate to get the unique affiliate links, tracking your affiliate marketing performance, user interactions, everything is easy to do. Just place your affiliate links on your mobile app that’s it. Amazon will show products there. Every time someone will do a qualifying purchase from your app, you will get a commission.

Earn money online by third-party advertisements:

Similar to the affiliate links, you can use third-party advertisements too on your mobile application. As mobile apps have become the most useful things in our smartphones, apps became a very important place to advertise. As per their preferences, people install apps on their phones. Now, it is a great opportunity for marketers. You can sell the ad space of your app space to the advertisers. To grab third party advertisers, the best option is getting popular local. If you have an app that is very popular in a particular area, you can grab the attention of the local advertisers. With the third party ads, you can earn money online using your apps.

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