Slice Pay Loan App Review- Best Loan Platform For Students

Are you a college student? Do you need an instant personal loan? Then, come to join with Slice Pay and take your personal loan without any hassle.
At present, it is tough for a college student to get an instant personal loan. They cannot take a loan smoothly from banks or money lenders like salaried persons. But luckily, there are several companies offering fast and easy instant loans to students, where you can easily apply for the loan and pay later in installments. Among them, Slice Pay is very popular. It is a great platform for students to get an instant loan with minimal documentation. Now, in this article, we will be describing the Slice Pay instant student loan app and its features. So, let’s get started.
What is Slice Pay?
Slice Pay is a buy-now, pay-later artificial intelligence-based credit platform. It provides a RuPay card that comes with a pre-approved credit line, designed especially for millennials. You can use the slice card to make payments on over 5 million merchants both online and offline like Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra, Uber, BookMyShow, Zomato, Swiggy, and MakeMyTrip. Slice Pay currently provides their service in these selected cities such as Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, Chandigarh, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Manipal, Coimbatore, Vizag, Nagpur, Greater Noida, Ahmedabad, and Mysore.
Slice Pay features and benefits:
- You will get a credit limit starting from Rs. 4,000 to Rs. 60,000. However, you may not get 60,000 rupees for the first time. Because they have different levels and criteria, if you completed those levels and criteria then you can apply for it.
- Your virtual credit card is accessible online and you can buy anything from India’s top 11 brands like Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra, and many more.
- You can also transfer your cash directly into your bank account or Paytm wallet.
- There is no annual fee or any other hidden fees for the slice card.
- Slice Pay also offers a referral system for its users. If you share your code with your friend or relative you can get some prizes or commission.
Eligibility to get a loan on Slice Pay:
- You must have to be an Indian citizen.
- KYC address proof.
- Your age should be 18 years and above.
- You must be a college student.
- Valid Aadhaar card and PAN card.
- College ID proof.
- You must be a resident of the above-mentioned cities.
How to apply on Slice Pay to get Instant credit?
Firstly you need to download the app. Slice Pay is available for both Android and iOS users. You can download them from here. Download Slice Pay for Android or Download Slice Pay for Apple.
- After installing the app, you need to enter your mobile number. Then you will get an OTP to verify your mobile number. After that, you will see the first dashboard. Here you can see four options such as Slice card, transfer cash, gift card, and offers. On this dashboard, you can also see or check your profile and account details.
- After that, you need to click next to go to the second section. Here you need to fill in all the personal details such as name, email id, date of birth, etc. After that, you need to attach your Facebook account. Next, you need to select your cities, and then enter your college name, course details, and upload your college ID.
- Then you will reach the fourth and last section. Here you need to enter your classmate’s name and number. After that, you need to give your staying information. Next, accept the agreement and click on submit. After verification, your Slice Pay card will be activated and you will be able to make your purchase.
Finally, we can say Slice Pay is the best platform for the young generation. It has a 4.3-star rating and over 1 million downloads making it more reliable for users. If you are a college student and want to take a short-time loan, then you can obviously use this app.
Looking for Slice Pay alternatives? check the below loan platforms.